News & Events

Dominican Presence: Building up the Church

Divine Mercy in Manhattan

The Most Reverend Ernest Bertrand Boland, O.P. , Bishop Emeritus of Multan, Pakistan, 1925-2023

Our Brother, The Most Reverend Ernest Bertrand Boland, O.P. , Bishop Emeritus of Multan, Pakistan, dies at 98

Nine New Priests Ordained for the Province!

On Saturday, May 22, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, the 13th Bishop of Columbus, Ohio, ordained nine of our brothers to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.

Solemn Professions 2023 DHS Washington, D.C.

The PSJ Celebrates Solemn Professions

Three of our brothers give their life to God in the Order of Preachers until death

The Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage Novena Begins!

Very Rev. Allen Moran, O.P., Elected Prior Provincial of Dominican Province of St. Joseph by Special Elective Assembly

The Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage

The Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Dominicans

Give the Gift of Preaching this Christmas


Daily Articles from the Dominican Student Brothers

Dangerous Purity

Br. Cassian Iozzo, O.P.

The Morning Star

Br. Philip Wieszczek, O.P.

Ringing in the Year of Hope

Br. Augustine Buckner, O.P.