What is a Dominican?
The Order of Preachers
The Order of Preachers (The Dominicans) was established in 1216 by St. Dominic de Guzman “for preaching and the salvation of souls.” Following the Rule of St. Augustine and the Constitutions of the Order of Preachers, Dominican friars devote their lives to study, contemplation, and preaching, united by their common profession of obedience and the living of the Evangelical Counsels, in order to be effect instruments in Christ’s saving plan.
More about the Order of PreachersWhere to start
Formation in the Province of St. Joseph

See for yourself
Vocation Weekends
Our Vocation Weekends at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC are an opportunity for young men who are seriously interested in the Dominican Order to experience life in one of our communities. The goal of the weekend is to allow you to step into our way of life and get a first-hand experience of what is means to be a Dominican friar.
Upcoming Vocation Weekends and Events