Nine New Priests Ordained for the Province!

May 29, 2023

On Saturday, May 22, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, the 13th Bishop of Columbus, Ohio, ordained nine of our brothers to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.   For over a century, the Province of St. Joseph has held the spring ordinations of our friars to the priesthood in Washington both at St. Dominic’s Parish in Southeast and the National Shrine in Northeast, DC.   This sacrament given to our brothers each May, is the summit of the initial formation journey that began for each friar almost seven years prior when upon receiving the habit of the Dominican Order.  St. Dominic deeply desired many of his brothers in the Order of Preachers to be ordained priests so that the preached Word of God by the friar may also be followed by God’s Mercy for the hearer in the Sacrament of Confession and Jesus’ True Presence to be received in the Holy Eucharist at mass.   If you would like to learn more about each of our new priests, visit The Dominican Foundation here

Please Pray For Our Nine Brothers!

Fr. Brendan Baran, OP

Fr. Columba Thomas, OP

Fr. Zachary Sexton, OP

Fr. Nicholas Hartman, OP

Fr. Dominic Koester, OP

Fr. Juan Macias Marquez, OP

Fr. Michael Donahue, OP

Fr. Raymond La Grange, OP

Fr. Vincent Bernhard, OP 

2023 Dominican Friars Priesthood Ordination at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC May 20, 2023. © George Goss

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