Dominican Young Adult Frassati Fellowships
February 20, 2017
The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph are chaplains and/or assist 11 Young Adult ministries, including 8 Frassati Fellowships connected to our priories/parishes

The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph are chaplains and/or assist 11 Young adult ministries, including 8 Frassati Fellowships connected to our priories/parishes:
DC Frassati Fellowship & DC Frassati FB (meets at Dominican House of Studies in DC)
Baltimore Frassati Fellowship & Baltimore Frassati FB (meets at Ss. Philip & James in Baltimore, MD)
Charlottesville Frassati Fellowship & Charlottesville Frassati FB (meets at St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlottesville, VA)
Columbus Frassati Society & Columbus Frassati FB (meets at St. Patrick in Columbus, OH)
Cincinnati Frassati Fellowship & Cincinnati Frassati FB (meets at St. Gertrude in Madeira, OH)
Frassati Fellowship of New Haven & Frassati New Haven FB (meets at St. Mary’s in New Haven, CT)
Northeastern Ohio Frassati Fellowship & Frassati Fellowship of N.E. Ohio FB (meets at St. Dominic in Youngstown, OH)
NYC Frassati Fellowship & NYC Frassati FB – works closely with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (aka CFR’s), they meet at our parish, St. Vincent Ferrer in NYC; our friars frequently assist them.
We ALSO have three other Young Adult ministries associated with our parishes:
1. in the Archdiocese of Louisville: St. Louis Bertrand Young Adults website & St. Louis Bertrand Young Adults FB
2. in the Diocese of Providence: St. Pius V Young Adults website & St. Pius V Young Adult FB & St. Pius V Young Adult FB Group
3. in the Archdiocese of Washington DC (in our parish downtown, St. Dominic’s): St. Dominic Young Adults FB
(A Personal Message from Fr. Benedict Croell OP, Director of Vocations)