Most men who come to the Order of Preachers have done a significant amount of research. Here are some important documents if you want a closer look at what shapes the Order of Preachers.
Getting Started: A Personal Message from the Director of Vocations
Here is how to get started with discerning a vocation with the Dominican Province of St. Joseph.
Young Adult Ministry in the Eastern Dominican Province
Dominican Young Adult Frassati Fellowships
The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph are chaplains and assist to 11 young adult ministries, including 8 Frassati Fellowships. Get involved and build up the Church!
Eight Novices to Make Simple Profession
2016 Priesthood Ordinations Homily
11 New Dominican Priests in the Province of St. Joseph
11 Dominican Brothers to be Ordained to the Priesthood
8 Friars to be Ordained Deacons
Province of St. Joseph Studentate Photo 2015-16
Word to Life Radio Broadcast: Fourth Sunday of Easter