Resources for Considering a Dominican Vocation
August 19, 2017
+St. Joseph, patron of our province – pray for us!
+Read an intro to our discernment process and an overview of the vocation from our vocation director.
Most men who come to the Order of Preachers have done a significant amount of research. Here are some important documents if you want a closer look at what shapes the Order of Preachers. Take a look also at our Aspirancy Guidelines (practical suggestions to get started and prepare yourself regardless of where you end up)
St. Dominic’s Nine Ways of Prayer (medieval text on how he prayed)
Rule of St. Augustine (foundation of Dominican Constitutions)
Book of Constitutions of the Order of Preachers (LCO)
Treatise on the Formation of Preachers (Bl. Humbert of Romans OP)
Lives of the Brethren of the Order of Preachers (1206-1259)
A 13th Century Biography of St. Dominic (Bro. Gerard de Frechet, 1255-1257)
The Life of St. Dominic (Fr. Henri John Baptiste Lacordaire OP)
A Quick Overview of the Life of St. Dominic
Many of the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas (from our priory’s website for the Dominican House of Studies)
Libellus of Blessed Jordan of Saxony (early history of the Order)
Litany of Dominican Saints (updated 2012)
Other Articles/Documents recommended:
The Contemplative Dimension of Dominican Spirituality (Fr. Jordan Auman OP)
Of the Different Kinds of Religious Life (Summa II-IIae 188 by St. Thomas Aquinas, particularly Article 6)
The Dominicans: A Short History (Fr. William A. Hinnebusch, O.P.)
Some good articles on Spiritual Direction & Discernment (various authors)
Dominican Spirituality: Principles and Practice (Fr. William Hinnebusch OP)
Works of Henri Dominique Lacordaire OP (translations: Fr. George Christian O.P.)
Dominican Spirituality (Fr. Anselm Townsend, O.P.) This book is a tremendous overview of the Dominican charism and life (it is a series of essays written by various Dominicans on Saint Dominic, the history of Dominican spirituality, the theological principles of Dominican spirituality [this third chapter is written by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange OP], the role of liturgy in Dominican life, and Dominican prayer).
-more good advice and great resources from the Western Dominican Province
US Dominican Provinces Vocation sites: