Most men who come to the Order of Preachers have done a significant amount of research. Here are some important documents if you want a closer look at what shapes the Order of Preachers.
Provincial News
2017 Simple Profession in Ohio
All are invited to the simple profession of fourteen of our brothers at Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15, 2017 at 11:30AM at St. Gertrude’s Church in Madeira, Ohio
Seven new priests thank God for the gift of priesthood during a Mass of Thanksgiving
The First and Last Mass
Seven new Dominican priests celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at the Dominican House of Studies. This homily is from the subprior of the community, Fr. Jacob Restrick OP.
Fr. Gregory Pine OP offers principles of Discernment
Theology of Vocation with St. Thomas Aquinas (video)
Christian identity, vocation, mission, and destiny issue from and return to Trinitarian communion, giving glory to God in the rich beauty of varied and diverse states.
The Powerful Intercession of the Dominican Nuns & Sisters
The Lord has Given Us Great Hopes of a Good Catch!
Young Adult Ministry in the Eastern Dominican Province
Dominican Young Adult Frassati Fellowships
The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph are chaplains and assist to 11 young adult ministries, including 8 Frassati Fellowships. Get involved and build up the Church!
Getting Started: A Personal Message from the Director of Vocations
Here is how to get started with discerning a vocation with the Dominican Province of St. Joseph.
Visiting our Houses in the Dominican Province of St. Joseph
Visiting smaller houses in the Dominican Province of St. Joseph
Black and White in a World of Grey
Divine Providence and Dominican Vocation
Fr. Romanus Cessario OP spoke at our November 2017 vocation weekend on a timely topic for men considering a vocation with the Order of Preachers.