2018 Summer Vocation Events

Join the friars at St. Vincent Ferrer Church and Priory on Manhattan

New York City 2018 Vocation Event

Our friars in New York City invite young men considering a vocation to St. Vincent Ferrer on Manhattan for our annual vocation event on July 10 from 3-9PM. Must RSVP.

Great Opportunities in the Buckeye State

2018 OHIO Summer Vocation Events

Various events will take place in the state of Ohio to meet our new vocation director, Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk OP and many of our friars. There is a Dominican Rite Mass, the celebration of St. Dominic, a Gathering with our Novices and finally, a Mass of Simple Profession.

Opportunities abound to visit us


Soon we will announce the 2018-2019 vocation weekends in DC and NYC. Details coming soon!