New York City 2018 Vocation Event

July 3, 2018

Join our friars in New York City on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 from 3-9:30PM for our annual summer vocation gathering at St. Vincent Ferrer Church and Priory on Manhattan.


3PM arrivals

3:30PM Dominican Spiritual Tour of St. Vincent Ferrer Church with the pastor, Fr. Walter Wagner OP

5:30PM Vespers/Dinner with the Friars

6:45PM Talk on the Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude in the parish hall with Bro. John Mark Solitario OP

7:45PM Recreation with the Friars (courtyard of the priory)

9PM Compline & 9:30PM departures

All men 18-34 are invited. MUST RSVP to

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