Dominicans Expand to Rockville Centre
January 9, 2024
The Province of St. Joseph is expanding its ministry footprint into the Diocese of Rockville Centre in June 2024. Four Dominican friars will be assigned to create a new Dominican community at St. Barnabas the Apostle parish, the first community of Dominican friars in that diocese. St. Barnabas parish is home to 5,000 Catholics, in the town of Bellmore on Long Island, NY.
The friars will staff St. Barnabas parish and one friar will serve as diocesan preacher—in essence, an itinerant preacher for the Diocese of Rockville Centre! Fr. Allen Moran, O.P., Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph, said the opportunity to come to Rockville Center opens up another avenue to preach for the salvation of souls, with an emphasis on making the teachings of the faith accessible.
Fr. Michael Dosch, O.P., Vicar Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph, noted that Dominicans get excited about preaching opportunities everywhere and this idea for an itinerant preacher based within a diocese is an exciting new model for Dominican preaching.