Ending Advent on the Right Note
December 22, 2017
This week’s edition of Word to Life comes to you from Music City USA, Nashville, TN. Joining Fr. John Maria Devaney, O.P. at SiriusXM’s Nashville Studios is Sr. Rosemary Esseff, O.P. from the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. Founded in 1860 in Nashville, these sisters have educated students at all levels of schooling throughout the United States as well as Ireland, Australia, and Belgium. Sr. Rosemary is currently working on completing her Doctorate in Sacred Music form the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music as well as coordinating liturgy for the congregation at their motherhouse in Nashville. We take a few moments during this edition to reflect on Gaudete Sunday and rejoicing as a Church the room we’re preparing in our hearts during this Advent, awaiting the stillness of Christmas.
You can listen to the broadcast here.
Photo Credit: Sister Mary Justin, O.P. — “Sisters at prayer in the main chapel”