September 22-25: Vatican II and the Future of Catholic-Protestant Ecumenism
September 12, 2016
This conference is cosponsored by the Thomistic Institute at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC and the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.
In 1968 Karl Barth published a Protestant theological appraisal of the Second Vatican Council, entitled Ad Limina Apostolorum. There he posed acute questions about the theology of the council and its consequences for modern Roman Catholicism, as well as Catholic-Protestant ecumenism.
Are Barth’s questions still helpful in guiding Catholics and Protestants in their (differing) appropriations of conciliar teaching today? Fifty years after the council, the theological and ecumenical landscapes have greatly changed. How, then, in our own secularized era can the documents serve the tasks of theology, and advance the cause of Christian unity? How do the doctrinal teachings of the Council on revelation, Christ, the Church, and the human condition speak to both the concerns of Catholics and Protestants as resources for thinking about the one Gospel and the one Church of Christ?
All conference events will take place at the Dominican House of Studies (487 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017), where the Thomistic Institute is located, right across from the Catholic University of America and Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Online registration for the conference is still open.