Evangelizing Latin America
September 23, 2016
The Province of St. Joseph’s evangelization work in Peru did not end with the conclusion of the mission in Chimbote, nor is Brazil the only Latin American country visited by friars in 2016. Newly ordained priest Fr. Michael Mary Weibley continued the province’s collaboration with FOCUS by leading a mission trip to Peru this summer. He led a group of 15 college students and 4 FOCUS Missionaries who traveled to various parts of Peru serving the poor in both Lima and the mountain regions. There was a pilgrimage aspect to the trip as well, visiting the tombs of our Saints, Martin de Porres, Rose of Lima, and Juan Macias, and the 16th century Dominican convents in Lima and Cusco (both named Santo Domingo). Fr. Michael celebrated Mass at the Basilica of St. Rose in Lima.