Double the Novices, Double the Fun (One Week Only)

August 18, 2016

For the week from August 8 (when the incoming novices are vested in the habit of St. Dominic on his feast day) until August 15 (when the outgoing novices make their simple vows and enter the religious state on the feast of the Assumption), Cincinnati must accommodate two novice classes from the Province of St. Joseph–this year 23 novices in all (15 in the incoming class, and 8 making profession).  Novices are vested in the house chapel at St. Gertrude’s Priory (more photos of vestition). vestition In one year and one week, God willing, they will follow this year’s outgoing novices, making a cruciform prostration on the floor of St. Gertrude’s Church before making religious profession according to the constitutions of the Friars Preachers (more photos of profession). cruciform prostration before profession Please pray for our new novices in this 800th Jubilee of the Order of Preachers (more photos of the new novices). 28239941994_2a8bc7ae43_z

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