Friars at Oxford Patristics Conference
August 26, 2015
Every four years, scholars of Patristic theology come together for the field’s largest academic conference at the University of Oxford. This summer, the 17th Oxford Patristics Conference was held August 10th to 14th. Two friars of the Province of St. Joseph were among the participants and also gave public papers. Fr. Augustine Reisenauer, OP, who has been teaching in the Theology department at Providence College gave a paper entitled, “Wonder and Significance in Augustine’s Theology of Miracles.” Fr. Augustine will continue his study of the Fathers at the University of Notre Dame in the theology doctoral program there. Fr. Austin Litke, OP, who is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the Istituto Patristico Augustinianum in Rome, gave a paper entitled, “The ‘Organon Concept’ in the Christology of Cyril of Alexandria.”