Dominican Rite Mass in Honor of St. Dominic in Ohio

May 10, 2015

Dominican Rite Mass in Honor of our Holy Father St. Dominic Sunday August 2, 2015 at 3PM (counts for Sunday obligation) Young men, 18-35 years old, considering a vocation to the Order of Preachers are invited to a 3PM Missa Cantata in the Dominican Rite for the Solemnity of our Holy Father, St. Dominic (old calendar) organized by St. Patrick’s Catholic church in Columbus, Ohio. N.B. – The Province of St. Joseph follows the Novus Ordo of the Roman Rite in all its priories, houses and parishes. For questions about the use of the Dominican Rite, check out this link HERE. Fr. Dominic Langevin OPFr. Dominic Langevin OP, Assistant Master of Students at the Dominican House of Studies is the celebrant and homilist. The Mass is followed by 2nd Vespers of Sunday and dinner with the Dominican Friars. *must RSVP:

All 2015 Summer Vocation Events for the Dominicans

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Dominican Rite Mass

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