O glorious St. Joseph
March 19, 2015
Each year, friars of the Province of St. Joseph participate in a novena leading up to the feast of St. Joseph, Patron of our Province. Today, as we celebrate his feast day, join us in prayer to our holy patron: O glorious St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Faithful Guardian and Good Provider of the Holy Family, to you do we have recourse in our time of need. As you loved and protected Mary and Jesus, we implore you to extend to us, your sons, your paternal care, as we hasten to you who have not left our petitions unheeded. When the angel of the Lord spoke to you in a dream, you obeyed His word promptly and without question. Secure for us, St Joseph, the graces we need to quiet our hearts in times of anxiety, so that we may hear His Word and, following your example, respond to Him with courage, confidence, and humility. O holy patron of our Province, St Joseph, intercede for us, that we may receive the graces of the Dominican charism with open hearts, trusting always in God the Father from Whom all good gifts come. May we always rejoice in your patronage, and that of your Blessed Spouse, Mary Most Holy. Help us by your prayers to be confident in Divine Providence, diligent in work, and attentive to those entrusted to our care. Through your intercession, may the good Lord give success to the work of our hands. Amen. (ad usum privatum)