Atheism at the End of the Line

October 23, 2014

In early November, Rémi Brague will give two lectures in New York City, co-sponsored by the Thomistic Institute. Saturday, November 1, at 7:30 p.m., Dr. Brague will speak on “Atheism at the End of the Line” at the Catholic Center at New York University. On Monday, November 3, at 6 p.m., in a lecture co-sponsored by the Columbia University Seminar on Catholicism, Culture and Modernity, Dr. Brague will speak on “The God of the Christians.” The lecture will take place at the Faculty House of Columbia University, 64 Morningside Drive, New York City. Dr. Brague is professor emeritus of Arabic and religious philosophy at the Sorbonne, and Romano Guardini Chair of the Study of Religion at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He was visiting professor at the Pennsylvania State University (Visiting Associate Professor), Boston University (John Findlay Visiting Professor), Boston College (Hans-Georg Gadamer Visting Professor), the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) and at the University San Raffaele (Milan). He is member of the Institut de France (Academy of Moral and Political Sciences). In 2012, he was awarded the Ratzinger Prize for Theology. His numerous publications include the recent essay “The Impossibility of Secular Society” (First Things) and On the God of the Christians (and on one or two others) (2013). Posters with more information can be found at the Thomstic Institute website.

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