Official 2014-15 Photo for Eastern Province Dominican Studentate
September 24, 2014
The Dominican Province of St. Joseph is blessed to have fifty-six men in post-novitiate formation at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. Of these friars, fifty-five are clerical brothers being formed for the priesthood, and one is a cooperator brother in initial formation. In this photograph, the student brothers are accompanied by three Dominican friars who serve as formators at the Dominican House of Studies: Fr. Andrew Hofer (master of students), Fr. John Baptist Ku (assistant master), and Fr. Dominic Langevin (assistant master). Please pray for our student brothers as they continue their formation. The Studentate of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph Dominican House of Studies, Washington DC, Fall 2014 Back row (left to right): Br. Athanasius Murphy, Br. Timothy Danaher, Br. Augustine Marogi, Br. Hyacinth Grubb, Br. Bonaventure Chapman, Br. Paul Clarke, Br. Raymund Snyder, Br. John Devaney, Br. Innocent Smith, Br. Philip Neri Reese, Br. Albert Dempsey, Br. Edmund McCullough, Br. Joachim Kenney, Br. Humbert Kilanowski, Br. John Mark Solitario, Br. Charles Shonk Second row (left to right): Br. Gregory Pine, Br. Aquinas Beale, Br. Peter Joseph Gautsch, Br. Nicholas Schneider, Br. Irenaeus Dunlevy, Br. Ephrem Reese, Br. Constantius Sanders, Br. Clement Dickie, Br. Alan Piper, Br. Joseph Martin Hagan, Br. Leo Camurati, Br. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, Br. Joseph-Anthony Kress, Br. Mannes Matous, Br. Thomas Davenport Third row (left to right): Br. Antoninus Samy, Br. Gabriel Torretta, Br. John Sica, Br. Michael Weibley, Br. Jonah Teller, Br. Isaac Morales, Br. John Dominic Bouck, Br. Pier Giorgio Dengler, Br. Norbert Keliher, Br. Boniface Endorf, Br. John Thomas Fisher, Br. Justin Bolger, Br. Louis Bertrand Lemoine, Br. Thomas More Garrett, Br. John Paul Kern, Br. Ambrose Arralde, Br. John Baptist Hoang Front row (left to right): Br. Vincent Ferrer Bagan, Br. Patrick Briscoe, Br. Thomas Martin Miller, Br. Henry Stephan, Fr. John Baptist Ku (assistant master), Fr. Andrew Hofer (master of students), Fr. Dominic Langevin (assistant master), Br. Luke Hoyt, Br. Anthony VanBerkum, Br. Dominic Verner, Br. Jordan Zajac