St. Dominic: Texts about a Preacher
August 8, 2014
The Central Province has made available on their website the entire text of the book Saint Dominic: Biographical Documents, edited by Francis Lehner, O.P. The entire collection contains twelve well-chosen writings about the great Preacher, including the magnificent prayer to him composed by Bl. Jordan of Saxony, excerpted below. Bl. Jordan’s beautiful prayer to the man whose footsteps he followed so closely begins with the following invocation, which we make our own on this, St. Dominic’s feast day. “Oh Blessed Father St. Dominic, holy priest of God, beloved Confessor, renowned preacher, man of the Lord’s own choosing: In your day you were pleasing and beloved of the Lord above all others-glorious in your life, teaching, and miracles. We rejoice to have you as our gracious advocate before the Lord God. I cry to you from the depths of this vale of tears, because I venerate you, among all the saintly elect of God, with particular devotion. Merciful Father, help, I pray, my sinful soul, so destitute of all grace and virtue, so covered with the stains of many sins and vices. Come to my wretched and unhappy soul, thou happy and blessed soul of the man of God, endowed with such blessings by divine grace. Not only has it raised you to happy peace, quiet rest, and heavenly glory, but, by your praiseworthy life, it has drawn uncounted others to the same happiness. It has incited them with your sweet admonition, instructed them with your winning teaching, and aroused them with your fervent preaching. Be attentive, then, Oh Blessed Dominic, and bend a merciful ear to my pleading voice.” Read the entirety of Bl. Jordan’s prayer here. For the complete list of biographical documents about St. Dominic, see here.
Image: Titian, St. Dominic