Incoming Class Prepares to Receive Dominican Habit

August 4, 2014

The twelve men who have been accepted to enter the 2014 novitiate class have begun their retreat in preparation for receiving the Dominican habit and beginning their novitiate on August 8. According to the Order’s constitutions, a man becomes affiliated with the Order in a particular way with the beginning of his novitiate, which in the Province of St. Joseph is joined with the reception of the habit and in many cases a religious name. A retreat precedes this grace-filled event, where the men entering beseech God’s mercy for the duration of their time with the Order. To learn more about the men who will comprise the 2014 novitiate class, click here. Anyone who is interested in learning more about pursuing a vocation as a Dominican friar can click here for more information. Please keep these twelve men, the fourteen novices who are preparing to make their simple vows, and the twelve student brothers who are preparing to make their solemn vows in your prayers in a particular way during the coming days.

Image: Lawrence Lew, O.P., Adoratio

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