Faith in the Workplace
July 15, 2014
On Wednesday, July 16, Louisville Young Catholics is sponsoring a Pub Night featuring a talk from Thomas More Garrett, O.P., on faith in the workplace. The work life of Christians can be unexpectedly trying; how much do I talk about my faith? When do I defend my faith? Should I try to spread my faith in the breakroom? What if following my conscience can get me fired? What should I do then? Br. Thomas More, speaking from his experience as a lawyer and a religious, will address these questions while presenting a positive vision of how Christianity can be lived in the contemporary work environment. The Faith in the Workplace event will be held on July 16 at 7 P.M. on the second floor of Saints Pizza & Pub, 131 Breckenridge Ln, Louisville, Kentucky. All young adults in the Louisville area are invited.