A Poem for Mary Magdalene by Damian Magrath, O.P.
July 22, 2014
Matthew Powell, O.P., recently made a recording of a poem about Mary Madgalene by the English Dominican missionary and poet Damian Magrath, O.P. (d. 1982). That video is available below in celebration of her feast day. In 1297 the General Chapter declared Mary Magdalene protectress of the Dominican Order. After the Virgin Mary, Mary of Magdala is the most important woman in the New Testament, a woman who assisted the Apostles in their preaching ministry. Arising from this traditional Dominican devotion, Fr. Damian’s poem is a prayerful and literary testament to the mercies God continues to work through her intercession. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6eBkBqAQtM&feature=youtu.be
Image: Frederick Sandys, Mary Magdalene