Videos on Dominican Spirituality
June 18, 2014
The English Province of the Dominicans recently organized a series of talks with the Oxford Centre for Spiritual Growth entitled Dominican Spirituality: To Learn Christ’s Truth and Pass It on. The videos of those talks are available below. The complete list of talks and speakers is as follows: “Fra Angelico: An Illustrated Talk,” by Nicholas Gendle (video) “St. Dominic and the Spirituality of Preaching,” by Simon Gaine, O.P. (video) “The Spirituality of Dominican Government,” by Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (video) “St. Thomas Aquinas: God as the Ground of Being,” by Peter Hunter, O.P. (video 1, video 2) “St. Catherine of Siena: Compassion and Mysticism,” by Robert Ombres, O.P. (video) “Meister Eckhart,” by Carsten Barwasser, O.P. (video) “St. Thomas Aquinas: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Especially Wisdom,” by Richard Conrad, O.P. (video) “A Tour of the Dominican Priory and Church, Blackfriars, and Midday Prayers with the Friars,” by John O’Connor, O.P. For more information about the lecture series and the Oxford Centre for Spiritual Growth, see the flier here.
Image: Fra Angelico, The Dormition of the Virgin