Evangelii Gaudium and Pope Francis’ Revolution in Preaching
June 3, 2014
Peter John Cameron, O.P., has recently released a commentary on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, with a particular focus on the document’s innovative treatment of preaching. Fr. Peter’s booklet, entitled Evangelii Gaudium and Pope Francis’ Revolution in Preaching, is available for purchase here. Intended especially for priests looking to renew and deepen their understanding of the holy preaching, the essay covers four main topics: the renewal of preaching, the responsibility of the preacher, the homily, and the preparation for preaching. Fr. Peter is the editor-in-chief of Magnificat, as well as the author of many books and plays, including Made for Love, Loved by God, Why Preach, and Mysteries of the Virgin Mary, and has edited books of meditations on all four Gospels and the letters of Paul.