PFIC Graduates Class of 2014
May 19, 2014
On May 16,2014, the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., held its commencement exercises for the 2014 graduating class. The complete list of graduates and a slide show of the event can be found below. MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY: Antonio Cercena Joshua Lim Br. John Paoletti, M.I.C. Victoria Stevens MASTER OF DIVINITY: Rev. Mr. David Begany, S.S.J. Rev. Br. John Maria Devaney, O.P. Br. John Luth, M.I.C. BACHELOR OF SACRED THEOLOGY: Rev. Br. Vincent Ferrer Bagan, O.P. Rev. Br. John Maria Devaney, O.P. Rev. Br. Thomas More Garrett, O.P. Rev. Br. Philip Neri Reese, O.P. Rev. Br. Charles Shonk, O.P. Rev. Br. Gabriel Torretta, O.P. Br. Dominic Mary Verner, O.P. LICENTIATE IN SACRED THEOLOGY: Rev. Matthew Carroll, O.P. Rev. Br. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P. Dawn Eden Goldstein Rev. Daniel Hanley Rev. Br. Sebastian White, O.P. Rev. Br. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P. was awarded the Brunetta Burse for preaching. Rev. Raymond Vandegrift, O.P. (not pictured) was given the Father Lawrence Francis Kearney distinguished alumnus award. Dr. Robert Louis Wilken (center) was awarded the St. Dominic Medal and delivered the commencement speech. See the complete slide show below.