Yahweh’s Repentance and the Immutability of the Divine Will
March 11, 2014
On Thursday, March 13, at 7:00 P.M., Gregory Vall will be giving a lecture at the Dominican House of Studies entitled “Yahweh’s Repentance and the Immutability of the Divine Will.” Gregory Vall’s talk is a continuation of the “Holy Scripture and the Divine Attributes” conference from February 14-15, which featured Gary Anderson and Anthony Giambrone, O.P., among others. Dr. Vall’s talk was cancelled due to weather delays, but he has graciously agreed to come to the Washington this Thursday to deliver his presentation. The Thomistic Circles are an annual cycle of conferences designed to help renew in the Church today a sense of the perennial importance of the thought of Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic doctor. The aim of the Thomistic Circles conferences is to bring together scholars of the highest level to present with clarity and insight the wisdom of Aquinas, in dialogue with one another, and in response to modern problems and questions. The Thomistic Circles conferences are usually offered bi-annually in both the Spring and Fall semesters.
Image: Ernst Fuchs, The Angel of the Lord