The Mission of Love: A Sacramental Journey to Marital Success
March 31, 2014
In the waning half of the twentieth century, the way Americans approached marriage underwent a series of radical changes, which continue unabated to the present day: the explosion in divorce rates, the near-ubiquity of cohabitation, and a major decline in interest in marriage at all. The changed landscape of marriage today calls for a new approach to marriage preparation, one that will give young couples the tools they need to live their marriage in the greatness of God’s grace. Dominic McManus, O.P., of the Central Province has recently co-authored an innovative new book that seeks to do exactly that. The Mission of Love: A Sacramental Journey to Marital Success takes up the Church’s perpetual call to married people to live in holiness, imbued with insights from Bl. Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. But The Mission of Love is not just another theoretical treatise on the Theology of the Body; the work is holistic, incorporating the robust theological and human principles that lead to a holy marriage into an eminently practical discussion of married life, joined with intriguing new interactive elements. The Mission of Love comes paired with a mobile app that provides additional original content, short talks, interactive lessons, quizzes, and various activities designed to help a couple grow in understanding of the divine call that God is giving them in marriage, and to help them appropriate the virtues and desires that lead to Christian greatness. To learn more about this exciting new project, see the video below.
Image: El Greco, Marriage of the Virgin