Vocations Novena to Bl. Jordan of Saxony
February 5, 2014
The Province of St. Joseph’s vocations website, opeast.org, is beginning a new series of articles, forming a novena of prayer to and reflection about Bl. Jordan of Saxony, patron of Dominican vocations, whose feast is on February 13. Blessed Jordan of Saxony, the second Master General of the Order of Preachers, is known as patron of Dominican vocations because of the large number of people he attracted to the Order; he may have personally led as many as 1000 men to join the Dominicans in his time as a friar. Over the next nine days, a new post will appear on our vocations website describing a scene from the life of Blessed Jordan of Saxony and a concluding prayer. Please join us in praying for vocations for the Order of Preachers that “the master of the harvest will send out labors for his harvest.”
Image: Jordan of Saxony, photography by Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.