Rich in Mercy

February 26, 2014

On Saturday, March 1, St. Denis Parish in Hanover, New Hampshire, will host a parish day of recollection, entitled “Rich in Mercy,” with talks by Dominican student brothers from Washington, D.C. The morning’s events will include retreat conferences by John Dominic Bouck, O.P., and Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., on “Forgiveness for Everyday Living” and “Meeting Christ in the Sacraments.” There will also be preaching by Henry Stephan, O.P., and Eucharistic Adoration. The conferences are intended to encourage families as they strive to grow in the faith, in keeping with the evangelical intention of the pastor of St. Denis, Francis Belanger, O.P., who has deemed 2014 “The Year of the Domestic Church.” A poster of the event giving further details is available here.

Image: James Tissot, The Prodigal Son, The Return

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