Thomas Aquinas Mass on EWTN
January 30, 2014
Every year, the Catholic University of America and the Dominican House of Studies come together to celebrate the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This year, on January 28, the feast was celebrated in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica, where the liturgy was broadcast on EWTN. The video of the mass can be seen here. The celebrant of the mass was John Langlois, O.P., President of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception (PFIC). The homilist was Thomas Petri, O.P., Dean and Vice-President of the PFIC. Click here to watch the video of Fr. Petri’s homily. The schola cantorum of the Dominican House of Studies and the University Choir of the Catholic University of America sang for the mass. The DHS schola’s music can be found here (responsorial psalm), here (Hassler, Cantate Domino), here (communion antiphon), and here (Nowakowski, O Sacrum Convivium). The mass was featured on the Catholic University of America public affairs website here.