Mercy, Justice, and the Imprisoned
November 6, 2013
Visiting the imprisoned is not the most popular corporal work of mercy to take literally; spending time with people who are “trapped” by physical limitations, maybe, sure, but actually visiting those in jail or prison is a different matter. Between legal rigamarole, waivers, training, security clearances, and a general discomfort with the notion of meeting someone for the first time behind bars, it’s easy to let that particular practice slide. Thursday, November 7, Fr. David Link will be speaking on imprisonment and its relationship to mercy at the University of Virginia, helping to shed light on the power and meaning of the corporal work of mercy while addressing the complicated interplay between charity and justice when considering the past, present, and future of a prisoner in the light of his humanity. Fr. David is currently Chaplain and Deputy Director of Religious Services in the Indiana State Prison, and served as dean of the Notre Dame Law school for over twenty-four years. His talk, entitled “Mercy, Justice, and the Imprisoned: Serving the Least, the Last, the Lost, and the Lonely,” will begin at 5:15 on Nov 7, at UVA’s Minor Hall Auditorium. The talk is sponsored by the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought. For complete information about the talk, please see here.
Image: ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, Visiting the Imprisoned. Copyright Victoria and Albert Museum.