Dominicans as Consolers to the Sick: A Call for Manuscripts

November 13, 2013

Members of the Dominican Family are invited to submit manuscripts to a collaborative book project entitled Consolers to the Sick and Those in Distress, which seeks to anthologize the contributions of the Dominican order to the development of a theology and practice of bodily, mental, and spiritual care. Complete details can be found below.

Consolers to the Sick and Those in Distress: An Anthology of Contributions of the Dominican Family on the Idea of Care in the Dominican Tradition

Editors: Br. Ignatius Perkins, O.P., Sr. Barbara Beaumont, O.P., Fr. George Christian, O.P., Sr. Mary Diana Dreger, O.P., MD, Rose Folsom, O.P., Jeanne E. Hicks, MD, O.P., Fr. Dominic Izzo, O.P., Br. Angel Mendez, O.P. Project: A review of the Processes of Canonization of St. Dominic Guzman provides evidence about his intimate encounters with Jesus Christ and his virtues in caring and healing the poor, the sick and the disenfranchised of his day. Many acts of mercy such as selling his clothes and books to provide funds for the needs of the poor and sick and restoring the dead to life have been well documented, i.e. raising of a widow’s son; curing of three Sisters of a fever; healing of women with infections; providing food for his brothers. These virtuous acts of unquestioned love, mercy and compassion for others that emerged from his preaching were part of the rich heritage he committed, by word and example, to those who formed the first Dominican communities of women and men. When St. Dominic established his Order in 1216 it had as its purpose preaching and the salvation of souls, and this purpose remains ever vibrant in today’s world. As preserved in the Fundamental Constitution of the Order of Preachers, Pope Innocent III wrote: “He inspired you with a holy desire to embrace poverty, profess the regular life and commit yourselves to the proclamation of the word of God preaching everywhere the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. LCO 1.I). St. Dominic and his followers were able to bring the healing and the salvific message of reconciliation in Christ manifested in the Gospel to people of his day whether they were troubled, suffering from physical or mental distress, or alienated from God. They preached this healing message to those who were far from the faith, the poor, the unwanted, the unloved and those who had lost hope. Our Founder’s preaching of mercy, compassionate care and comfort for others has endured throughout the eight hundred years of our Order and its mission. Whether Dominicans are preaching the healing message of the Gospel, caring for one another, administering the sacraments, educating the uninformed, conducting research, caring for the lost, the least and the last among us, they are living witnesses of St. Dominic’s idea of care for others and vital instruments in the New Evangelization. One memorable theme that appears in the Constitutions of the Friars is St. Dominic’s charge to his friars to be “consolers to the sick and to those in distress” (LCO I, 9). Though the Processes of Canonization (MOPH XVI, p.178, n.3) do not elaborate on the theological foundations of this theme in the life of St. Dominic, the editors of this anthology believe that exploring this theme will provide a perspective on the application of this rich charism of Dominican life and mission expressed in the evangelical living of his followers in work of the New Evangelization. Call for Manuscripts: The importance of this theme in the mission and charism of the Dominican Order within the universal Church and in today’s world, and in anticipation of the celebration of the eight hundred years of Dominican life culminating in 1216, this anthology of published and original works will bring together selected writings of the Dominican Family that exhibit how this theme “consolers to the sick and those in distress” has been and continues to be lived in the mission and charism of the Dominican Family today. General themes include, for example: Preaching, Healing and the New Evangelization; Theology of the Body; The Sacraments and Healing; Philosophy of the Person; Social Justice and Care for the Poor and the Stigmatized; Feeding the Unwanted and the Unloved; Healing the Alienated and Those Far From the Faith; Care and Healing of the Sick and Dying; Human Dignity, Freedom and Human Flourishing; Moral Principles in the Age of Relativism; Dehumanization and Health Care; The Dominican Community as the Primary Center of Care; The Healing Relationship; Fulfilling the Dominican Moment at the Beginning and End of Life. Any member of the Dominican Family interested in contributing to this anthology, to discuss a particular topic or for more specific directions on submitting manuscripts should contact Br. Ignatius Perkins, O.P. at Mater Dei House, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228 (

Guidelines for Authors

1. Manuscripts should reflect how the theme “consolers to the sick and those in distress” is applied to the particular topic of the author’s choice. Manuscripts may also include homilies, poems and prayers. 2. Manuscripts are to be prepared in Microsoft Word, not to exceed 1,500 words including references, and submitted electronically to the editor at Manuscripts may also be mailed to Br. Ignatius Perkins, OP, Mater Dei House, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228. 3. References should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition. Examples are available here. Place citation numbers at the ends of sentences, not in the middle. If several works are cited in one place, combine them in a single footnote. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of each page and numbered so that they can be renumbered automatically and continuously by the word processing software. 4. Manuscripts must be received by January 1, 2015 and may be submitted in one of official languages of the Order, i.e. English, French, Spanish. The Anthology will be published in English by the Dominican Nuns, Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, Summit, New Jersey. 5. Manuscripts that have been previously published are acceptable as long as the author receives written permission from the copyright holder, if one exists. Historical manuscripts, especially about Dominicans Saints, Blesseds and other members of the Dominican Family are also welcome. 6. Authors are to include a brief biographical statement with the manuscript. 7. The Editorial Review Board will review all manuscripts for inclusion. Authors will be notified concerning the decision of the Board. When substantial changes are necessary, the editor will review changes with the author.

Image: DHS Chapel, St. Dominic Raising the Cardinal’s Nephew from the Dead

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