An Army of Friars: New 2013 Vocation Poster
September 12, 2013
With 70 friars in formation for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (Eastern) in our novitiate at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati and in the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC, we felt the time has come to produce a vocation poster of the young friars! So here it is, in two hi-res PDF versions (1 and 2) to print out (11 x 17 size paper) and help us spread the word. Thanks to our Office of Advancement, this is the first time we have ever produced such a poster, which is being sent to our parishes and campus ministries. Our vocation office also sent a smaller version of the poster to most of the campus ministries within the Province of St. Joseph with the help of our vocation committee at St. Gertrude parish. If we missed your campus ministry, please do let us know! Please remember to pray for this army of Dominicans in formation as they prepare to be Preachers of the Word for the “salvation of souls!” For those of you who would like to help with our mission (mouths to feed and education), you can click here – thank you and continue to pray for vocations.