Eight Novices Profess Simple Vows
August 16, 2013
Eight Dominican novices professed their Simple Profession of Vows in St. Gertrude Church in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 15, 2013, with Bishop Roger Foys of Covington in attendance. The eight brothers, Br. Isaac Morales, O.P., Br. Justin Marie Bolger, O.P., Br. Nicholas Schneider, O.P., Br. Antoninus Samy, O.P., Br. John Paul Kern, O.P., Br. Joseph Martin Hagan, O.P., Br. Norbert Keliher, O.P., and Br. John Dominic Bouck, O.P., will head directly Washington, D.C., where they will commence their theological and philosophical formation for the priesthood. Please keep them, and the seventy friars in formation, in your prayers!