Washington Examiner interview with Dominican Friar

February 24, 2013

Recently the Credo section of the Washington Examiner, the premier newspaper in our nation’s capitol, published an interview with Br. Timothy Danaher, OP.  Br. Timothy is a friar in simple vows, currently studying for the priesthood at our House of Studies in Washington, DC. In the interview, Br. Timothy explains his decision to become a Dominican friar.

Br. Timothy Danaher, OP. Photo by the Washington Examiner.
How did you decide to become a Dominican monk [sic]? I had met Dominicans, and it was that lived example that attracted me. Slowly I began to identify with that. It’s not exactly what I planned on in life, but it was something that was authentic, that grew in time, and that also started to match hand-in-hand with the closeness to Christ that I wanted. How did you become serious about your faith? Was there someone in particular who pointed you down that path? Definitely. I was a junior in college in a theology course, “The Theology of Christ.” I had a professor who began class by quoting Matthew 16:15, when Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” It was the first time I had ever really heard that question and the first time I had ever noticed Jesus. I had been in youth group in high school, and I had always done my best to follow the rules and to keep good friends. But before, Christianity was simply a lifestyle. In college, through that professor, Jesus became a real person. That moment has changed everything. I would say that’s when I first began to have serious faith in Jesus, not just in his teachings.

The rest of the interview may be read at the website of the Washington Examiner.

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