Roe vs. Wade: For Whom the Bell Tolls

January 22, 2013

“Gloomiest of days” are the words Cardinal Dolan used to describe today. Marking the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, Catholics attended a 7:00 a.m. mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. Cardinal Dolan delivered a brief homily to this congregation of the faithful packing the aisles. He contrasted America’s highest ideals, embodied in Martin Luther King, Jr., with Roe vs. Wade, the antithesis of our nation’s noble principles. There were three Dominicans concelebrating, including Fr. John Chrysostom, O.P. from Saint Vincent Ferrer and Fr. Austen Litke, O.P. from Saint Joseph in Greenwich Village. Roughly 200 hundred, Dominicans included, braved the biting cold for a prayerful procession to an abortion clinic on 2nd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street. After reciting the full Rosary, many kneeled while a bell rang in honor of the unborn.

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