Institution of Lectors

October 14, 2012

On Monday, October 8th, 10 of our Student Brothers were instituted as lectors by our Provincial, the Very Rev. Brian Mulcahy, O.P.  Institution as a lector, one of the steps which future priests must complete, is an official commissioning by the Church to teach and proclaim the Sacred Scriptures. In creating the stable ministry of lector, Pope Paul VI reminded future lectors of their primary responsibility:  “the lector is to make every effort and employ suitable means to acquire that increasingly warm and living love and knowledge of Scripture that will make him a more perfect disciple of the Lord.” Please keep our 10 new lectors in your prayers as they continue on in their formation.  Our new lectors are: Br. Pier Giorgio Dengler, O.P. Br. Luke Hoyt, O.P. Br. Alan Piper, O.P. Br. Leo Joseph Camurati, O.P. Br. Timothy Danaher, O.P. Br. Edmund Mary McCullough, O.P. Br. Aquinas Beale, O.P. Br. Mannes Matous, O.P. Br. Henry Stephan, O.P. Br. Peter Joseph Gautsch, O.P. Photos from the Mass can be seen below.

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