Talks at St. Patrick in Columbus
July 5, 2012
Student brothers Peter Martyr Yungwirth, OP, and Innocent Smith, OP, have been sent to our parish of St. Patrick in Columbus Ohio, for the summer. They have scheduled talks for the summer:
“Martyrs to Remember”
In times of persecution, the Lord has raised up martyrs to stand firm and sew the seeds of faith with their own blood. This talk will examine how the examples and intercession of six heroic witnesses can strengthen us to persevere in the midst of a culture that is becoming more antagonistic toward the Catholic faith. This talk was held on Thursday, June 28, 7 pm Holy Hour in the church, 8 pm talk in Aquinas Hall.
“What has Dublin to do with Jerusalem?: Irish Traditional Music and the Faith”
In this talk hosted by the St. Patrick’s Parish 20s Group, Br. Innocent will speak about how the practice of Irish Traditional Music can help us to understand the role of Tradition in the life of the Church. Enjoy fellowship afterwards with young adults from Columbus. Monday, July 16, 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) Fádo Irish Pub (Easton) 4022 Townsfair Way Columbus, OH 43219