Summer Lectures in Providence, RI
June 16, 2012
Faith & Culture
The parish church of St. Pius V, in Providence, RI, will host a summer series of talks by the Dominican Student Brothers. Each talk begins at 7:30pm with adoration of the Blessed Sacra ment and will conclude around 9:00pm. For more information, see the St. Pius V website. June 20th: An Incarnate Spirituality and the Poetry of G. K. Chesterton Bro. Gregory Maria Pine, O.P. June 27th: Catholic Culture? Catholic Culture and the Liturgy Rev. Bro. Matthew Carroll, O.P. No talk on July 4th July 11th: Evolution and Culture: A Dominican Reflects on Darwinism Bro. Bonaventure Chapman, O.P. July 18th: Christ or Banality: Christianity and the Possibility of True Festivity Bro. Dominic Mary Verner, O.P. July 25th: Encounter and Grace: Deus Caritas Est and the Modern World Bro. Leo Checkai, O.P.