Dominican Saints 101: Bl. Osanna of Mantua
June 17, 2012
O my only Love! Must the thorns then be for Thee alone; for Thee alone the nails and the cross; and for me sweetness and consolation? Ah! not so. I will not share Thy glory unless Thou make me also share Thy pains.
After two years of pleading, the Lord gave her a crown of thorns and then the stigmata, first in her head, then her side, and finally her feet. Nevertheless, Bl. Osanna desired to be even more conformed to Christ. She desired to share the sufferings that took place in the heart of Jesus. One day, Christ answered her prayed and plunged a large nail into her heart, which divided her heart into four parts. The agony of this would have consumed her if it had not been for the grace of God holding her in His love. For the rest of her life, she continued to suffer from these wounds of love. Her death was prophesied by another contemporary Dominican, Bl. Columba of Rieti, and her body was found to be incorrupt three years after her death. Graciously hear us, O God our Savior, that, as we rejoice in celebrating the memory of Blessed Osanna Thy Virgin, we may be instructed likewise in all feelings of tender devotion. Through Christ our Lord.