2012 High School Boys Dominican Vocation Event for Ohio
June 3, 2012
with Student Brothers from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC
This will be an excellent opportunity for high school boys to meet and talk with Dominican student brothers and priests about a Dominican vocation. Fr. Benedict Croell OP, the Director of Vocations for the Province of St. Joseph will also be present for the day. All High School boys are welcome.
*Required PERMISSION SLIP & FLIER (click here)
permission slip deadline: July 6
12:00 – Sunday Mass
1:00 – Lunch
2:00 – Intros in parish center
Director of Youth Ministry, St. Patrick’s Church – Mr. Dan DeMatte
2:30 – “Vocations to Happiness” with Bro. Peter Martyr OP
~ A talk on happiness as the root of all vocations, followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A
3:15 – “Preaching for the Salvation of Souls” with Bro. Joseph-Anthony OP
~ A talk on the Dominican vocation and preaching for the salvation of souls, followed a 15-20 minute Q&A
4:00 – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Vespers (evening prayer) & Benediction
5:00 – Departure before dinner
Director of Youth Ministry – St. Patrick Church
(permission slip deadline: July 6)