Br. Athanasius of the “Holy Rapping”

February 24, 2012

Some might wonder what is the use of rap music in the Christian life.  After all, the beats and words are often far from edifying.  Yet, music has the power to convert minds back to the truths of the faith.  In the fourth century, St. Ephrem used music to convert heretics back to the faith: “St. Ephrem, to minister a proper antidote against this poison [of heresy], composed elegant Catholic songs and poems which he taught the inhabitants both of the city and country with great spiritual advantage.” (Butler’s Lives of the Saints, July 9) Even now, there is the possibility that rap music can appeal to a certain audience that isn’t going to listen to Christian rock on a regular basis.  Aside from the Franciscan rapper, Fr. Stan Fortuna, C.F.R., there is a Dominican brother who breaks out a rap on occasion: Br. Athanasius Murphy, O.P.  He recently rapped about the Athanasian Creed at Theology on Tap in Arlington.  Go to 44:32 of the audio file to hear him fight back against heresy.  (on our provincial website listen to the whole thing to hear Fr. Austin Litke, O.P. speak about “Ancient Heresies and Their Modern Forms”).

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