Anniversary of deceased fathers and mothers of Dominicans
February 7, 2012
Each year on February 7, Dominican friars throughout the world pray in a special way for the deceased fathers and mothers of Dominicans. Today’s Gospel reading, for Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, is apposite for the occasion, recalling the precept “Honor your father and your mother.” The collect assigned in the Dominican Proprium for the Mass takes up this theme: “Deus, qui nos patrem et matrem honoráre præcepísti, miserére cleménter paréntibus nostris eorúmque peccáta dimítte, nosque eos in ætérnæ claritátis gáudio fac vidére.” (God, who commanded us to honor our father and mother, clemently have mercy on our parents, forgive their sins, and let us see them in the joy of eternal light.) Please join us in praying for our deceased mothers and fathers, particularly those who have died in the past year. Image: Bl. Jane of Aza, mother of St. Dominic and Bl. Mames; St. Dominic’s Priory Church, Newcastle, England (photograph: Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.)