New Academic Year at the Studentate
September 2, 2011
Monday marked the beginning of the new academic year at the Dominican House of Studies, with the Opening Mass of the school year.
Since Monday was the Memorial of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Fr. Steven Boguslawski, O.P., President of the Faculty, challenged the faculty and students to rise up to the challenge of preaching in the modern world. In the midst of the challenges that Jeremiah and John the Baptist faced, he encouraged the students not to be “silent concerning the truth” but to diligently study and preach the truth of Jesus Christ:
Please pray for our student brothers and all the rest of the students as they continue to ponder the Word of God and the Sacred Truth so that they may more tirelessly proclaim Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
*For Fr. Boguslawski’s homily please click below on the image to go to our provincial website: