Friars Making Simple Profession of Vows to Arrive to Washington DC
August 12, 2011
Here are the friars who will make their profession of Simple Vows on August 15, 2011. They will be arriving to the Dominican House of Studies the third week of August to begin their studies. I will add “OP” after their names after August 15! (CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE & CLICK NAME FOR BIO)
For MANY photos of new Novices with bios click here.
For the Simple Profession Homily click here.
back: Bro. Michael Mary Weibley OP, Bro. Humbert Kilanowski OP
front: Bro. Joachim Kenney OP
L to R: Bro. Joseph Anthony Kress OP, Bro. Tomas Martín Rosado OP,