St. Gabriel Catholic Radio
June 29, 2011
Student brothers on Columbus radio station
Br. Boniface Endorf, O.P., and Br. Paul Marich, O.P., student brothers assigned to the Dominican House of Studies who are stationed at St. Patrick Church in Columbus, Ohio for the summer, were recently featured on “The Local Spotlight Show” with host Mary Ann Jepsen on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio 1580 AM in Columbus. The brothers talked about their own stories of vocational discernment, as well as the process of formation, study, and ministry in the Dominican Order. They were joined on the program by Gina Switzer, a parishioner of St. Patrick’s and member of the St. Catherine of Siena Chapter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, who discussed the work of the Dominican laity. Download the show or listen to it with the player below.