The Easter Octave, Ordinations, & Novices

April 28, 2011

Cloister Garden at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC

The holy days of the Octave of Easter continue the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.  Please pray during this time for our novices and for our friars who are preparing for ordinations to the Priesthood on May 27, 2011. 

You all are cordially invited – let me know if you will join us.

Please pray also for the men currently in the application process and for those preparing to enter our next Novitiate class in August 2011.  May the Lord continue to fill us with every grace of these holy days!
Dominican Novices in the priory chapel at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Front row: 2009 Novitiate class, now student brothers in formation at DHS; back row: 2010 Novitiate class

St. Gertrude Church in Cincinnati, Ohio

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