New Novice Class Begins in Cincinnati

August 11, 2014

The twelve men who compose the 2014 novitiate class began their canonical novitiate on August 8, an event marked by with the reception of the Dominican habit and a religious name. The 2014 novitiate class is Br. James, Br. Pio Mary, Br. Gabriel, Br. Raphael, Br. Simon, Br. Reginald, Br. Martin, Br. Barnabas Marie, Br. Josemaria, Br. Joseph Bernard, Br. Ignatius, and Br. Isaiah. See our vocations page for more information. The novitiate is a year of many graces and trials, as a man allows himself to be reshaped by the pattern of life established by Our Holy Father Dominic. Please keep the twelve new novices in your prayers, that this year may a time of growth and discernment for them. See below for a slideshow of the vestition ceremony in which these men received the Dominican habit.

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