Social Justice

How should we understand what’s happening as Catholics?

Spiritual Counsel in the Wake of George Floyd’s Death

People feel overwhelmed by the evil before us. The pervasiveness of hatred, whether racism or otherwise, seems total. How do we cope with this threat spiritually?

I find it particularly hard to say what I think here because, well, I’m still thinking about it.

One Chaplain’s Response to George Floyd’s Death

At a time like this, I wish I could bring all these people together to sit down at the table for dinner. It probably wouldn’t go very well, but at least the food would be top-notch. The endeavor might fall flat by the end of the evening, but I still think it would be worth a try. It would probably do a better job than Facebook.

Pope Paul VI and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Steps Toward Racial Justice

Racial Justice and Social Peace

Justice and peace are words sometimes used to summarize the whole area of our faith called Catholic social teaching and action. They are what the protestors decrying the brutal death of George Floyd last week in Minneapolis are chanting about. All want a harmonious society, but there can be no true peace without justice for all. As Pope St. Paul VI famously said in his message for the Day of Peace in 1972, “If you want peace, work for justice.” How do we do that?

Justice and Peace in the Province of St. Joseph

“A Shoot Shall Sprout”

Justice and Peace work can be like a tender shoot. It sprouts from the soil of our common life—sometimes distracted from the Church’s social mission by practical concerns or even ideologies — and begins to take root.

Catholic Social Teaching Corner: The Threefold Work of Justice

The Politics of the Magnificat

Catholic Social Teaching Corner: Conference in Hanover

Can Politics and Holiness Go Together?

Catholic Social Teaching Corner: Gun Control

Catholic Social Teaching Corner: What if George Washington Were a Saint?